The first time Algomi was included in the Fintech50, we were pretty happy about it. The second time was another big step forward for us. It has recently been announced that we remain on the list for the third year running and, for us, this only builds our drive and momentum. We’re thrilled to be part of this industry and our excitement is as fresh as it was 3 years ago when we first appeared on this prestigious list that champions innovation throughout Europe.
What is the Fintech50?
FinTechCity produce the FinTech50 list each year. It is a group of 50 European innovators who are involved in the transformation of financial services.
The FinTech50 does not just comment on fintech, it interacts with important players to reach audiences around the world and raise awareness of the great innovators of fintech. In April 2016, the list saw over 20,000 views and made an appearance in more than one million Twitter accounts in its first 7 days online following its launch at Money2020 Europe.
The companies on the FinTech50 are selected by a panel of 30 industry experts. This year, members included HM Treasury’s Special Envoy for FinTech, Eileen Burbidge, tier one banks, and leading venture capital investors.
FinTechCity will launch its Asian list in 2017. Optimistically speaking, Algomi News hopes to report that we will one day be mentioned in this new environment as well. We are constantly looking for expansion and our recent partnership with Euronext promises a furthering of our global presence.
Why is this important Algomi news?
We’ve had a meteoric few years during which we’ve secured big investment and partnerships. However, it’s not time to rest on our laurels and we believe there is room for exponential growth at Algomi. News that, in the ever-shifting fintech world, we are still coming out in the top 50 is a powerful message to us and our partners that we are still on the right track. This kind of validation increases our confidence and reputation and we look forward to the beneficial effect this will have on our future. Our thanks go to FinTechCity for this accolade and we hope this trend continues for many years to come.